I bought this darling sweater for my daughter last fall and absolutely loved it on her!
I got it a little big so that it gave that oversized sweater look, and it still fits this year, and is still oversized!
this year, however, I wanted to spice it up a bit and embroider her name on the front.
I ended up dyeing it this lovely mauve, see blog post to read how I dyed it.
and/or youtube video, for you visual learners! I got you ;)
I used three colors for this embroidery:
for the name, I used antique cream
for the flowers, I used parchment
& for the center of the flowers, I used antique gold
In the youtube video linked above, I did not go into how I embroidered the flowers;
however, I will make anther video detailing how I went about that soon!!
I bought these bamboo hooks for fine work.
I used the 2.75mm hook, and it slid through the sweater fibers effortlessly!
I started by sketching her name out on a piece of paper, just to see how I would want the letters to look.
then I held it up to the sweater to get a general idea of placement.
I used the neckline as my guide to center my embroidery, and aligned the line of the "s" and the "a" within the neckline.
then just start chain stitching your letters! if it's not perfect, don't fret, just pull out the bit you don't like and reshape.
It's not a science, but an art; and with that, mistakes are welcome, if not encouraged!
It makes your handmade art more heartfelt and real.
I was able to embroider the "sop" with one continuous chain, and did not need to cut my yarn until the end of the "p".. then started a new chain at the top of the arch of the "p" and continued on to the bottom of the "h"..
and again, started a new chain three stitches up from the bottom of the "h", and continued that chain to the top of the "i".. then started a new chain in the third stitch down from the top of the "i", and stopped at the "a"..
then continued to shape the curve of the "a" with a new chain, and lastly started a new chain for the line of the "a".
& that is pretty much the gist of it!
**also, I plan to make a video detailing how I embroidered the flowers! so stay tuned!!**
now go chain embroider your own sweaters and tag me on instagram at becca.jeane [see IG link below]!!
& add me as a friend!! can't wait to see what y'all come up with! LET'S GET CRAFTY!
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